Beacon Group's flexible business model draws on 17 years of experience supporting federal agencies by providing Human Capital, EEO, ADR and Mediation solutions that result in the delivery of the right product at the right price - every time.  

Anti-Harassment Policy

It is the goal of Beacon Group to promote a professional workplace which is free of harassment and which treats all of those who work for us, with dignity and respect. Harassment is unlawful and will not be tolerated by us at any Beacon Group or client location. Further, any retaliation against an individual who has complained about harassment or against individuals for cooperating with the investigation of a harassment complaint is similarly unlawful and will also not be tolerated.

We will respond promptly to all complaints of harassment. Where it is determined that such harassment occurred, we will act promptly to eliminate the harassment and impose such corrective action as is necessary, including disciplinary action where appropriate.

Awards & Recognition

USDA, Rural Development - 2010 Small Business of the Year

Superior CPARS Scores

Superior Open Ratings Score

             Small Business Administration Emerging Leaders

​​.. Affordable .. Flexible .. Reliable .. 

About Us

Headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia, just outside of Washington, D.C. our nation’s capital, we were continually exposed to the myriad of companies that provide government solutions, professional staffing, EEO, and HR support services. What we didn’t see was a company doing business the way we thought it should be done. We surveyed companies; what you wanted in a partner, looked for what was missing from the experience, and we discovered something profound; clients needed more focused attention and a higher level of service. So we started a business, and called it Beacon Group.

In 2003, when Beacon Group was founded, our principals developed the essential vision for our business - centering around integrity and service quality rather than profit. This vision is what guides the company today and every day. When you partner with Beacon Group, you are working with a company that is:

EEO Statement

Beacon Group is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination and equal opportunity for all employees and qualified applicants without regard to race, color, sex, religion, age, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, or status as a disabled Vietnam era veteran in accordance with applicable law. Our continued success depends on the full and effective utilization of all qualified persons. We have an obligation to hire and develop the best people we can find not only because it’s morally right and legally required but also because it makes good business sense. To this end:

All employment-related decisions and personnel actions are to be made in a nondiscriminatory manner. All employment and promotion decisions shall be made according to the principles of Equal Employment Opportunity and free from any discriminatory practice.

All personnel-related matters, such as compensation, benefits, company-sponsored training, transfers, demotions, terminations, layoffs, return from layoffs, company-sponsored social and recreational programs, etc., shall be administered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, Vietnam era veteran status or any other characteristic protected by federal, state, or local statute.

If economic and/or business conditions require adjustments to workforce levels, these changes will be made in a non-discriminatory manner based on a consideration of organizational needs, as well as other non-discriminatory factors such as the Company’s assessment of the individual’s skills and experience, skills required for the remaining work, length of service within current position and total company service, and the individual’s performance.

Ethically Distinctive - Integrity is the most valuable character trait an individual or company can possess. We will conduct ourselves at all times with honesty and consideration in our dealings with people both inside and outside of the company.

Service Focused - Self-imposed standards of excellence reflected in the quality of our services are central to our reputation. Services also are elements of the corporation that endure.

Client Driven - Our success is directly tied to providing our clients what they have paid for and have a right to expect as defined by the contract. The client’s agenda must be our agenda.

Employee Oriented - Our primary assets are the creativity, persistence, intelligence and versatility of our employees. The work culture must support and encourage this extremely valuable “capital” which is found only in our people, and without which there are neither clients nor services.

Cost Competitive - Cost consciousness is not only a good business practice - particularly in these times of government and corporate downsizing - it also reflects prudent control of taxpayer dollars. Even in a best value environment, cost is often the tiebreaker.

Diversity Statement

Beacon Group values diversity as an asset that provides a balance of different viewpoints, perspectives, and strengths. As a reflection of this mission, we strive to create a working environment which is comprised of people of many different backgrounds and which maximizes the potential of each person. Beyond the mere tolerance of difference, we place great value on diversity. Beacon Group develops and refines initiatives on an ongoing basis to encourage and support individuals as they explore, understand, and utilize the many facets of diversity and interconnectedness.

We believe that as an organization that accepts diversity and recognizes the contributions of all employees, we become a healthier and more productive organization than one that does not. Understanding and recognizing diversity enables Beacon Group to capitalize on the differing views and contributions that each of our employees bring to the workplace.

To ensure the achievement of our vision for diversity, Beacon Group is committed to:

 § enabling individuals of all backgrounds to achieve full and equal participation in the workplace and society;
 §  administering a management-led diversity effort that is integrated into daily activities and operations;

 §  developing and sustaining policies and procedures proactively that reflect the needs of a diverse workforce;

 §  providing employees and program participants opportunities to develop the awareness, knowledge, and skills needed to be effective participants in a changing workforce and society;
 §  recruiting and retaining the most talented employees available from all backgrounds.