Workplace & Employment Mediation

Beacon Group is ready to assist your organization enjoy the powerful benefits of our Workplace & Employment Mediation program. We can help you solve a variety of workplace conflicts, including: mediator jobs  

​​.. Affordable .. Flexible .. Reliable .. 

Consider these benefits to your employees and managers

Benefits to Employees:  Employees benefit by having a confidential, company-sanctioned avenue to express concerns, explore options, and resolve conflicts. Beacon Group’s adherence to strict confidentiality reduces an employee’s fear of retaliation when the services are used. Our services are both informal and timely, which exist outside of the company structure and assist employees in resolving issues before they escalate to formal complaints against other employees or against the company.

Benefits to Management:  Management benefits from Beacon Group’s services by addressing employees’ concerns before they escalate into decreased productivity, lowered morale, or even lawsuits. Management also benefits by receiving regular direct reports about issues and conflict trends affecting the company that would otherwise be unavailable to management.

Beacon Group can administer all aspects of the services including intake, convening, logistics and follow-up. This efficient process allows parties to resolve their dispute, improve company morale and saves you time and money.

Purchase options include the SBA’s WOSB/EDWOSB program, individual requests via government purchase cards, private industry credit cards, or separate contract vehicles. 

  • Disputes between coworkers
  • Management disputes
  • Work team conflicts
  • Interpersonal communication issues
  • Discrimination
  • Sexual harassment
  • Federal Sector EEO issues